Wow! Im already started my new trimester, which is the last one. By now, i should be bz counting my weeks and days, be very & xtra careful of my actvty and be more concerned about my food consumption! This is most important!!! takutla nk dekat2 due ni, detect diabetes ke blood pressure issues... urghhhh sgt2 risau. but hopefully everything's fine... (Last check-up..doc pon ckp im healthy and baby pn ok! Gud baby, u behave well!!! Teruskan usaha..uhuhuh) there's no more semester left after this, uhuhuhu i should br ready of my preparation facing the due! Kalo difikir2 makin kalut pulak rasa, and am i ready for this? Mmg ready nk tgk org yang duk tendang2 dalam perut, xsabar rasa hahha tp... byk btul cabaran sebelum dan selepasnya kn? Er..cabaran kah? I think to be precise, its a responsibility!
Bila teringt balik, masa awl2 kawen dlu...rasanya baru jek sbulan kawen tapi ada je keep on tnya 'ada kabar baik ke?' or ' da berisi ke?' uhhuhuh secara logik, xdela scepat tu kn, tapi rezeki tu suma atas kuasa Allah. Sape yang bakal kawen tu akan alami mende yg sama gak, cm da 'adat' org melayu, suka mgusik2.. heheh xpela..masa tu awl lagi. Tapi kalo kne pulak pada yang da setahun dua kawen tu, xde rezeki lagi untuk dapat cahaya mata...mau gak terguris hati dan perasaan.
And actually i nak share my pregnancy experience. At first, i know nothing and xtau pon ada supplement yang membantu kepada kehamilan. But gladly, i've friend yang sharing this info with me. Dia suggest try ambil asid folic, sesuai bagi wanita yang merancang kehamilan. Ni adalah salah satu usaha la kan, yang selebihnya kita berserah pada Allah s.w.t. Niat tu penting, jangan pulak taksub. Kuasa Allah la yang menentukan segalanya! Kena keep in mind ya. Anyway, asid folic ni digalakkn diambil dalam bentuk pil (bole didapati di farmasi) ataupon dalam makanan seharian contohnya sayur hijau (bayam), jus buah dan bijirin. For those yang telah hamil, doc akan suggest untuk ambil asid folic for the first trimester. Ia dapat mengurangkan risiko bayi dari mengalami kecacatan. Wallahua'lam.
Tapi for the 1st trimester ni, kne be extra careful la sbb kandungan fragile and as for the first-time-to be parents ni, we dont hv experience kan. Careful of ape yang dimakan, kurangkan aktiviti outdoor and paling penting jaga emosi. Morning sickness in First trimester is common. Some gone through difficulties, meanwhile others do not experience it at all. (Lucky!) Huhuh me? I can say, mine was 'suam2 kuku' morning sickness. Early stage, i feel very tired and exhausted during night time after work. I'll be sleeping early after my Isyak prayer, and sometimes I dont have the strength to hv my dinner. I experience it more during end of 1st trimester, for bout 2weeks. Headache and feels like kepala berpusing2, cant even opened my eyes. I do not dare to take any pills coz its giving more pain than cure! Seriously! I think as I reach my 14 weeks, the symptom reduce and there's no more sickness except... i lost my appetite!
On the 2nd trimester, asid folic will be changed to OBmin or pramilet which is multivitamin to help mothers more energetic and for the development of baby. Few check-ups done until i'm in 5months of pregnancy... i loss few kgs, and the nurse and doc advised me on gaining some weight for the next visit. (huhuh... mmg terasa penat nk telan makanan). The beauty of 2nd trimester was, baby 'first kick'! Subhanallah. I felt it when i was doing my isyak prayer, kebetulan masa tu baru nk solat. I felt the kicking... and cant wait until finishing the solat to tell encik nizam about it. (astaghfirullah.. cobaan btul! :p but it was amazing! Amazing feeling!) When I asked encik nizam, to feel the baby... then, my baby start kicking and it was a strong one. ( I said to encik nizam that the baby wants to show ayah that she's there! Cute! Wonderful moment...)
Until now, she's been kicking, moving, punching and more action packed drama after meal taken! Masa mula2 tu, terasa at one spot je, i mean baby movement but now... i can feel more than one, serentak at opposite spot. mayb she's stretching kot. hehhehe... membesar suda! Pregnancy, i can say it is the most wonderful moment a woman can experience. Though a few went through difficulties but at the end, it was something that is maturing one self. Realising the responsibility of parenthood, its emotional.
'Maturity of human being develop when one starts to take a challenge, solving a problem and facing the truth' - Me
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