As requested by Yun , review pasal Nursing Pillow yg I bli from MLO. Time I attended antenatal class haritu, Puan Jasmeen Tay Abdullah, representative from Nurturing Concepts Sdn Bhd (topic : Breastfeeding) ada mentioned about kegunaan Nursing Pillow as a Maternity Pillow. As I have difficulties nak tido malam, especially when baby semakin membesar ni...I decided, why not invest on this pillow cause not only now...after delivering the baby pon bole guna untuk feeding baby and supporter utk duduk (for baby and mommy).
Me, Hani (my youngest sister) and Encik Nizam went to Bangi untuk survey2 and pada mulanya we thought that the price a bit pricey. Then, we went to Manjaku, heheh niatnya nak mencari sterilliser & warmer =) At first nak cari brand snowbear @ little bean sebab banyak yang bagi good comment about these brand, though its cheap but worth buying. After pusing2, and asked the sales girl, both brand adelah out of stock. Memang xhado...yang hado Jingle Jungle and others yang I xfamiliar.. Tfikir2 banyak kali nak beli x Jingle Jungle ni, sebab memang xtfikir pasal brand ni... but it is distributed by Fabulous Mom. Brand yang diyakini kan? Price pon lebey kurang je dgn brand yang lain tu. Alhamdulillah settle 2barang, coz bli combo! =)
Then masa jalan2 kt level 1 of Manjaku tu, kitorg mencari2 if ada jual nursing pillow, unfortunately what we saw that day, was the last one which has been sold to a couple... the price is cheaper few +rm10 to rm20. As kitorg da survey at MLO, the price was about RM 119 (basic) & RM 139 (premium)... ok laaa..kitorg headed to MLO balik, to get the nursing pillow there. Mahal? Xjumpa yang murah.. -_-" Anyway, beli jekla coz tengah excited kan masa tu hahahha. Ada 2 kind yang jual at MLO which is basic and premium. I choose yg premium one, coz color nya differ to basic, color dull, flowery and macam cpt kotor (in my opinion)...
Balik je rumah, dan sangat excited untuk mcuba yer! First few days je btahan guna bantal tu, sebab terasa panas... kne basuh dlu sarungnya :-p Bantalnya memang selesa, haaa lupa nk ckp, bantal yg jual kt manja ku tu hanya ada yang panjang saja, but MLO got another extra small pillow (like for baby head support kot) I just guna the small pillow tu utk support tummy, coz penuh sudah katil dgn bantal2 lain...and rasa comfortable pulak dgn 'GEMOK' a.k.a bolster lama uhuhuh. Selesa jek guna bantal tu. Nak kata recommended, depends gakla, sebab kalo rasa xperlu...xyahla beli. As for me, bantal kecik tu membantu,kalo xmau bli, pinjam bantal baby jek pon...ok! Tapi recommend la gak untuk sape yang sakit sangat pinggang nk duduk tu time2 pregnant ni, bole buat as back support.. lilit kan aje kat pinggang tu. Me da try, and rasa rileks... =)
hi ada jual nursing pillow..bole cuci2 mata yerr
harga promosi RM60 ONLY!!
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